LinkedIn Marketing Tips for Loan Officers

In regards to social media marketing, you need to figure out if your time and strategy is really worth the effort. This is applies to LinkedIn as well although it is used mainly for job seekers. Actually, it depends on if you take advantage of all the benefits social media can offer your business.

One of the drawbacks of becoming a member of LinkedIn and getting an account is the many emails you receive. Among them will be an email which says someone you know had a work anniversary, congratulate someone in your network for being hired at a new company, or an email that a stranger wants to join your network.

As a loan officer, your network is something you nurture. Why would you let another competitor join your network? If you want to help them earn the trust of your referral partners then go right ahead.

Among the best tips for LinkedIn members is to make the most of how well it can let you identify your true competition. Check out your competitor’s LinkedIn page to measure employees.

In fact, if you look at past and present employees, may even be able to find out an approximate employee turnover rate. Using this social networking site as an informational gathering site is one of the best strategies you can use.

Some members of LinkedIn are annoyed at the fact you are not able to connect with other members unless you became a premium user with a paid membership or they gave you permission for the interaction.

As a member with premium benefits, you can research your prospective employee and loan officers on LinkedIn and discover the people in their network. Are they from vastly different industries than real estate, are they potential referral partners, etc.

To be quite honest, networking with other members on LinkedIn is not as straightforward compared to other social networking sites. By using Facebook, you are alerted once a person clicks on a Like button or shares your post.

Unfortunately, users are not real-time responsive on LinkedIn and may take days, months or never get acknowledge your interaction. As a result, some businesses are discouraged by this and do not use a LinkedIn strategy.

Based on recent reports, there are more true “power professionals” with huge influence in their career on LinkedIn compared to any other website. LinkedIn is a true professional networking site you want to be on if you are a serious professional.

Your Linkedin profile should show your prospects and referral partners what you and your business can offer them. Your LinkedIn profile allows you to display the different products and /or services your business provides. You can also funnel prospects to well-optimized web pages to get additional information.  In other words, you are doing lead generation.

Another major objective of LinkedIn is to find a job or to recruit others for a position. Your resume should be rock solid on LinkedIn too. You’ll want to list your marketing plan, achievements, successes and the positions you held. This should be in your job descriptions, past and present. A resume won’t state why someone should join your network or describe the kind of person you are like your LinkedIn profile should.

By making use of LinkedIn to market to prospects can increase your business now and in the future.