mortgage tools

Tools to Close More Deals

The majority of mortgage brokers are getting left behind on possibilities to strengthen relationships with customers, increasing potential referral channels, and, at the end of the day, close more loans.

Here’s a quick glance at some of the best loan officer marketing tools to use.

If you’re serious about the loan business and truly interested in increasing your production, here are the tools you have to strongly consider in 2018.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
It’s obvious that having a CRM is crucial to be a successful mortgage originator in 2018 and beyond.

CRM tools for the most part provide you with analytics and performance reporting that help you evaluate the outcome and determine areas of success and those that need improving.

Top of Mind created the Surefire System which notifies lenders about opportunities that are available in their database.  Let’s say, a past client puts their homes up for sale. The loan agent is notified and could benefit from offering his services to home buyer and seller who will buy their next home.

Video Marketing
Video can be a very effective marketing tool for mortgage brokers. After all, it is an industry where customer trust is high on the list.  With millions of everyday people and thousands of real estate professionals posting videos on Youtube, Vimeo, or their own website, how do you make yours stand out?

One solution is to use Wistia.  If you embed a YouTube video on your website, people may have to cope with ads or worse clicking to another domain. By utilizing Wistia, videos are hosted ad-free providing uninterrupted viewing.

Compared to all other forms of online content, videos are simply more engaging, and more effective with the typical person browsing online.  To illustrate, the average person is continuously inundated with written information daily from text messages, fake news, and social media.  With this endless barrage of words, they are accustomed to clicking away from written content.  In the same way, images can also be really easy to tune out.

Videos, on the other hand, lures the person with the guarantee of more information or entertainment. The moment the video begins, information is gradually provided, instead of buried in written text or not conveyed properly in an image.  Viewers are far more prone to watch the video in its entirety or a good portion of it, possibly go to your website. An online video campaign is well worth the effort.

Email Marketing
Lots of people in sales like loan officers discover that email is among the best marketing methods in terms of ROI. So, if you’re not harnessing the benefits of email marketing, you’re at a disadvantage for generating leads.

Building an email list is a challenging task, but as soon as you have a decent sized responsive list it can be a cash cow for your mortgage business. Mailchimp is an all-around email marketing tool that helps you reach more inboxes and generate more loans. You will be able to send emails consistently to your list of subscribers, and track open rates and additional key analytics.

Social Media Marketing
Lenders can experience amazing marketing results through social media. Sadly, a great number of lenders don’t have a sound strategy using platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. A great tool to solve this is Buffer.

Buffer is a social media scheduling tool that gets rid of any excuses that you don’t have time to create regular posts.  Rather than having to remember to post 10 or 20 times each month, you can set this up weeks in advance.

Bonus Mortgage Marketing Tool
One great method to find the right real estate agents for referrals is through research. If you speak to your title officer, he or she should be able to share with you who the top real estate agents are in nearby areas. As soon as you know that information, then you can concentrate your marketing efforts on them for referral business.