user retention with video

Marketing Visual Content Is a Great Choice

When most people think of content, the first thing that comes to mind is text-based reading. You can expand your marketing expertise by using more visual-centric content. Whenever you leave your residence, snap a few photos or record some video clips. Visual content grabs your attention and is shareable, so it not only keeps you on a person’s thoughts, but also helps you reach more people. Did you know that articles that include an image for every 75 to 100 words receive two-times the number of social shares?

Studies have shown that when a person hears information, they’re likely to retain just 10% of that information in the coming days. The rate of retention changes dramatically when a topically related image is coupled with that same information, people remember 65% of the information three days later.

visual content marketing

Furthermore, if you take into account that visual learners comprise 65% of the population, and that presentations with visual guides are 43% more persuasive, it seems logical to utilize content that can connect with people on a psychological level. The following are 2 types of visual content that can move your marketing campaigns to a whole other level.

Brand promotion is what some Infographics pursue. Thy are crafted to include information about the company such as their logo, website address, or contact information. This is certainly a very effective method to boost your business’ brand and if used the right way can easily bring in more traffic by a minimum of 12%.

Since the beginning of 2010 to the start of 2012, search volumes for infographics have surged by more than 800% in in only 2 years.

Because of infographics attractiveness they are liked and shared three times more frequently than other forms of social media content.  Think about it. More people will link to your site’s infographic, when done right. If it goes viral, Google will crawl your website more based on their algorithm, which thereby increases the importance of your site in Google’s rankings. So if you’ve got a few trend-setting real estate statistics to reveal with your audience, an infographic is the best option.

Just like your infographic, a video should be more informative or tell a story than be overtly sales pitchy. Reap the benefits of the emotional power of video by appealing to your audience’s needs.

Your video should within the first 10 seconds provide its value and answer “why should I watch this video?” The reason is because 20 percent of people click away in th first ten seconds.  You want to make them laugh, learn something, or be inspired. A strategic call to action can be placed that the end or in the right place.

Facebook users watch videos over 100 million hours each day. Nowadays, you can broadcast a video live thanks to Google Hangouts, Facebook Live, and Snapchat. Videos are extremely helpful for exhibiting typical everyday problems and then providing the solutions that your service or product can offer.

Make the most of Visual Content
Visual content stays within the mind of your viewers, motivating them to find out more about your business. If you can produce top of the line visual content which really connects with people and publicize it on a consistent schedule, the trust and interest of your brand is guaranteed to improve greatly.