Pinterest marketing

Pinterest Marketing for Loan Officers

For people trying to get real estate leads using Pinterest there is a lot more than just putting your listings on a board. Everything is based on your method –  the appeal of your pins, the types of photos you pin, the boards you create, which groups you’re in, and how you are noticed. Before anything else, see to it that you’ve joined the best groups on Pinterest that focus on real estate. What you may want to do is study how experienced real estate agents interact on the board what they do gain traffic and re-pins.

Broaden your pins to attract potential leads. If you insist on advertising your listings, make it a small portion of your overall pins like around 10%.  Ideas for additional boards to pin items on include  credit score tips, personal finance,  local neighborhoods where a $100k salary can buy a home, or a investor flip board to appeal to different segments.

When pinning something to your account, make an effort to complete the description, with an emphasis on local keywords (e.g. Orange County home without Mello Roos) to bring in leads to your region, and then update the pin to with your website. Numerous leads go unseen on Pinterest when information isn’t present or the image is lacking a way to get more information.

Marketing Plan
If your goal is to generate income by focusing on purchase leads you need to develop a clear plan on your boards.  Perhaps, you want to your boards to funnel traffic to your blog to increase traffic and ultimately rank your website higher in specific search queries such as Orange County down payments.  Most Pinterest experts advise newbies to stay within their area of interest. 

SEO for your Pinterest account is very important. You need to do it the right way or you’ll complain later that it’s a waste of time and doesn’t help.  There are some rock stars on Pinterest who work in real estate and the best ones get 50,000 visitors or more per month from Pinterest alone.

People come to Pinterest for inspiration and getting ready to do something.  The objective is to get your pins and boards discovered by users searching for something in your area of specialty, but you may even experience one of your boards rank on the first page of google for a keyword search!  Yes, keyword research and SEO work similarly to regular website and webpage search on Google.  Your Pinterest page is influenced by off-page factors and signals based on the Pinterest algorithm. 

Pinterest Keyword Research

Use the search tool and pick two keywords that you want your page to rank for.  Let’s say you want to be seen for Home loans for Irvine or Newport Beach mortgage company.  These keywords should be intelligently placed through your username, business name, about me profile description, various board titles, board descriptions, and also your pin descriptions.