pipeline for originators

5 Awesome Tips by Top Producers

Seven days a week there’s thousands of real estate related posts on social media that get virtually zero engagement. More often than not these are automated posts that are similar to what every other real estate agent and loan originator is using such as; I have really low rates, new programs to qualify you, etc.  Basically, cookie-cutter products that everyone has to offer. I think we are all able to agree that your online marketing campaigns need to stand out and be unique.

In the real estate industry, people tend to do business with you because they trust you, like you, and know you. The top producers share these common characteristics.  The bottom line is, these traits are a spotlight on your value proposition, which is a critical factor to getting new business. This is exactly why your marketing efforts should concentrate on these traits, not interest rates, branch expansions, and other boring mortgage news.

Of course there is a time and place for rates and company news if you can be creative with it. People’s attention spans are low in the current digital landscape as they scan tweets and posts.  It’s safe to say that they won’t stop at your interest rate ad without some imagery that is eye-catching. Creating an ad and relevant image for your target audience can make all the difference.

Having said that, here are some valuable tips for Loan Originators to maximize their marketing efforts.

  1. Don’t put all your focus on ROI. Successful marketing takes time and is not an instant one-week success. Be patient. Change the message on your ads, images, loan type, etc. and allow some time.
  1. Think like your client. Carefully consider marketing promotions you react positively to as a borrower. Many times loan officers think about what they want to market instead of what their potential borrowers would prefer.
  1. Be visible where your competitors aren’t.
    Although, it’s 2018, there’s still an enormous opportunity to gain interest and reach people on social media. This includes video marketing.
  1. Offer valuable tips and insight. Always provide value more than anything else. Share your expertise. Make yourself a trusted professional prior to asking people to trust you.
  1. Focus on the relationship, not the loan transaction. Your clients should not be thought of as simply leads. they can become longtime friends and a customer who eventually refers prospects. You are helping your clients with one of the largest transactions they’ll have in their lifetime. Your goal is to create a long-term relationship not to just refinance or help them buy a house.